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Vana Bhojanam (Food in Nature): Cross-Cultural Food Exchange


Vana Bhojanam is a celebration of life in rural India, particularly in the village of Vellulla. During village rituals and local festivals, rural communities gather near the countryside, which is full of greenery with trees and water bodies, to cook food together. Villagers utilize natural elements like stones for making poyee, a Telugu word that in Hindi, chulha, means a small brick stove. They collect wood from nearby nature to make fire. These village rituals and festivals bring the local community near nature, creating a joyous and uplifting atmosphere as they celebrate life together. 


On the other hand, urban celebrations take place in man-made structures or function halls, often at a distance from nature. This was the case during the V2 project, where participants from the urban city of Vadodara experienced a unique opportunity to celebrate life with nature through Prayogillu's Vana Bhojanam. This contrast in settings creates a sense of intrigue and curiosity for urban participants, offering them a new and refreshing way to connect with nature. 


Prayogillu has reimagined Vana Bhojanam as a platform for cross-cultural food exchange in nature. Here, guests and the local community come together to cook and share their cultural cuisines. This emphasis on cultural exchange fosters a sense of connection and understanding between urban and rural communities, bridging their differences through shared values and a shared love for nature. 

Vana Bhojanam as a platform for cross-cultural food exchange in nature, Jeggasagar village near by Vellulla (Prayogillu)
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